Store Name Snapfish.Com

FREE film developing

Web site overall ranking:
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4 Stars*
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This site ranks the 5057th on the Internet
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Information provided on products
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Cost and effectiveness of shipping and handling of purchased products
Affordability of prices
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* The maximum number of stars that can be obtained by a Web site is 5 stars
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Our Review

Snapfish is the leader in online photo service. It was launched in April 2002 and till now has more than 2 million users. It is based in San Francisco, but has operations in the US, UK and Canada. Its aim is to share photographs or memories among friends and loved ones in a quick and easy manner.

In the past it was a complicated process of sorting out negatives and choosing the right pictures for the right people not to mention the trips that needed to be made to the photo shop. Snapfish made life easier by allowing people to share their photos worldwide through the computer whether they use camera films or digital cameras.

The way to go about using the snapfish website is very easy. All you have to do first is sign up. Once you have done that you will receive, within 3-5 business days, a snapfish welcome kit including, among other things, free postage-paid film mailers. You will have to send your films using these mailers, once they are received by snapfish, your photos will be placed online within 1 business day. You will get your prints and negatives 5-7 days later. You can do all this at a very reasonable price. The first film sent is free plus $1.99 shipping and handing. As for the rest of the films you will have to pay $2.99 plus $1.99 shipping and handling.

Besides being able to share your photos online, and getting your prints and negatives you will be able to benefit from:

  • Free unlimited storage
  • Uploading digital photos as well as ordering prints on Kodak at any time.
  • Organizing and enhancing pictures, by removing red eye and correcting color.
  • Ordering reprints, cards and more.


Contact Info

Snapfish Corporate Headquarters
49 Geary Blvd, Mezzanine Level
San Francisco, CA 94108
Tel: (415) 820 3888
Fax: (415) 394 6494

Store Rating

Customer Popularity

Very popular site due to the great services as well as the high quality they provide.

Website Design

Nice design and colorful. It makes the website easy to use.

Product Info

The website is very informative about their products. They tell you all you need to know in great detail and how to get advantage of what they have to offer.

Ordering Process

It is quite simple and straightforward. It is also very efficient and quick; you will get your pictures on line within one day of their receipt.

Customer Satisfaction

Satisfaction is very high and is apparent from the customers’ comments. It is all due to the excellent service, speediness, and efficient customer care.

Website Performance

The website always works well and doesn’t give any problems.

Alexa Rating

Other sites that link to this site: 742


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Aug 20, 2002

It was fun working with snapfish. I can store all my photos from now on for free and get back to them whenever I want. No need for stacking albums anymore.

Ashley, New York


Aug 10, 2002

I got my pictures online in one day and that was great, but I am a person who likes to store his negatives and in this case mine were lost or something. After thorough investigation and spending a lot of time on the phone, I ended up receiving them after three weeks.

Phil, San Francisco is an affiliate of the websites listed and reviewed above. Click here to go back to the main page.