Store Name: The Apple Store - 150x50_2

Web site overall ranking:
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5 Stars*
Web site popularity:
Global Internet ranking of Web site according to the number of unique visitors
This site ranks the 172nd on the Internet
Website design and user-friendliness:
Speed of use and ordering, layout, navigation, graphics, links
Information provided on products
Availability and accuracy of text descriptions and photos of products. How easy is it to find a certain product?
Available selection
Number and variety of products available
Delivery of product
Cost and effectiveness of shipping and handling of purchased products
Affordability of prices
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Follow up on ordered products by E-mail and phone
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Client privacy
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* The maximum number of stars that can be obtained by a Web site is 5 stars
** The above rankings are based on the results of the reviews that are sent to us by visitors of alldayshopping like yourself. If you would like to write a review about this Web site please
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Our Review

Apple.Com is the official Web site of Apple Computers. It is one of the mostly visited Web sites on the Internet. It provides a lot of information to the Web surfer.

The marketing strategy on the Web site concentrates mostly on convincing people of the simplicity of use of the Apple computers compared to PCs and at the same time to reassure the surfer that Apple computers offer full compatibility with PCs. The esthetic design of Apple computer definitely adds to the charm of the Web site and the marketability of the product in general.

The main part of the Apple Web site is, of course, the store. The store features the different products offered by the Apple company including but not limited to eMac, iMac, iPod, iBook, and Powerbook. From the first glance at the products I was able to notice that the iBook is quite affordable. The beauty of design and price combinations made me think for the first time of switching to Mac next time I replace my laptop. Furthermore offers you the possibility of designing your own computer and is offering free shipping.

In addition to computers, sells software. books, and accessories.

According to the Mac Web site, here are the 10 reasons why one would switch from PC to Mac

1 The Mac ...It just works

2 It doesn't crash

3 Simply the best in digital music

4 The missing link in digital photography

5 Your own digital entertainment center

6 Goes everywhere you go

7 It's built for the Internet

8 Office is Office and then some (in reference to MS Office)

9 Works effortlessly with PCs

10 It's beautiful


I finally have a computer that works. I mean the PCs are so primitive compared to Mac computer. Believe what they say in the Mac commercials. You will never touch a PC again
Behnam, September 7,2002

Apple computers are computers that you can figure out. I never understood how to really run or operate my PC., but this is all behind me now. I have a Mac.
James September 14, 2002


Similar Websites

Macnn: The Macintosh News Network

Contact Info

Customer Service Address Delivery
Apple sales support at 1-800-676-2775.
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014


Free delivery

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